Aaron Starmore

The Legend of the Wandering Bard

Of the five heroes of the great war, Aaron Starmore is the one that the most is known.  A wandering minstrel, he recorded what is believed to be the most complete telling of the journeys of his companions in the work titled The Starmore Journals.  It is from this work (now believed lost to time) that other bards have crafted many of the modern retelling of the War of Heroes, including the sketches that Starmore made to depict many of the places that he saw.

Of Starmore himself, it is known that he was a member of the royal Starmores, and was raised by the wood elves after the death of his father by the traitor, Kaan.  During his wanderings, the bard received a strange sword known as a katana, and brought his unique sword style back to reclaim his native land.  During the War of the Heroes it is said that no enemy could defeat Starmore in single combat, and that the Shaonthean Prince possessed strange powers, both in magic and the arts of chi manipulation.  He eventually married the wood elf mage Aryiana, and it is believed that his death (from extreme old age) was the beginning of her path to becoming the Crimson Witch.

Of the items that Starmore carried, the most famous was his silver harp, said to be able to break any heart with its beauty, and his legendary swords, the Muramasa and the Masamune.  None have ever seen these treasures since, and it is whispered that whoever claims them shall stand invincible in any duel.